Funding Opportunities

Prob_AI Hub – Networking and Development Fund – Round 1 

The Prob_AI Networking and Development Fund will invest in projects that bring together researchers from the various mathematical, statistical and computer science fields that underpin probabilistic AI, and stimulate new activity. The aspiration is that this will help build research collaboration, better engage research users, grow external investment in probabilistic AI, and raise the profile of this work. 

Investment of up to £10k per project is available. This can support the following activities: events (wide scope for the type of events), visiting researchers, public engagement. The application lead must be a staff member (including current postdocs) working at a UK institution eligible to receive EPSRC investment. The Prob_AI Hub can also offer admin/operational support for delivery.

Prob_AI Hub - Networking and Development Fund - Round 1.docx

 Prob_AI Hub – Doctoral Prize Fellowship – Round 1 

Funding for Doctoral Prize Fellowships for up to one year for finishing PhD students to work in probabilistic AI research. We are looking for strong candidates with a background in one of the underlying mathematical areas of probabilistic AI

A successful candidate will be employed by a host university in the UK (this could be any UK university, as long as they are eligible to receive EPSRC funding). The aspiration is that the Doctoral Prize Fellowship provides a stepping stone to becoming an independent researcher. Deadline for Applications: Monday 9th December 2024 

Prob_AI Hub - Doctoral Prize Fellowship - Round 1.docx