This one-day launch event of the Prob_AI Hub will include talks from researchers leading on developing the foundations of probabilistic AI.
Talks will highlight the importance of and potential for probabilistic approaches to AI, describe research projects being undertaken across the Hub’s main research challenge areas and their connection to some motivating applications. For example, applications range from weather forecasting to cyber security, and from healthcare to infrastructure planning.
The launch event will be of interest to
Business and industry sectors who are interested in more interpretable, reliable and uncertainty-aware AI.
Academics in the Mathematical and Computational Sciences who are interested in research challenges in AI that need input from Applied Mathematics, Probability and Statistics.
Early career researchers who are interested in working at the interface of Mathematics and AI.
The event will outline opportunities for participants across all three groups to engage with the Prob_AI Hub: funding opportunities, PDRA and PhD positions that will be advertised, and the range of activities and events that the Prob_AI Hub will run. The afternoon presents a great opportunity for participants to network with senior scientists and relevant individuals from industry and government.